Triphala benefits come from its components namely Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Vibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) – as they are called in Sanskrit. That is why it is known as “Triphala” – ‘tri’ means ‘three’, and ‘phala’ means ‘fruit’.
While it has quite a good number of positive effects on our body, one of Triphala’s main goals is to restore the normal functioning of the whole digestive system, which in turn affects all the other systems and organs in our body.
It removes toxins from our body with great efficiency without ruining your intestines’ ability to eliminate wastes properly at the same time. Why? Because it doesn’t act like the majority of laxatives, when your intestines get used to the “external help”, and the peristalsis become weaker.
This ability of Triphala to detox our body and to enhance the absorption of nutrients allows its benefits to cover much more, than you can generally imagine.
Triphala Benefits for Hair
The first thing to note is that the condition of your hair reflects how much nutrition your body gets as well as how many toxins are there inside of it. Triphala helps to solve both of the issues through the improvement of digestion and toxin cleansing.
Amalaki present in Triphala improves blood circulation and helps your body to absorb nutrients better, including minerals responsible for keeping your hair healthy and lustrous. It also boosts your immunity to prevent premature appearance of gray hair.
Another Triphala ingredient known as Vibhitaki contributes to stronger hair roots, minimizes hair fall and guards your hair from premature graying as well.
Triphala can also eliminate dandruff, which is quite a common cause of hair fall.
Ayurveda operates with three modes called Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha. Vata Dosha, when imbalanced or aggravated is usually responsible for the majority of hair diseases that lead to gray hair and premature baldness. Triphala is known for its ability to bring this Dosha back to the balanced state thus preventing or eliminating (at least to some extent) many hair problems.
Powder (Churna) or Tablets?
That’s up to you, of course. For many people tablets are easier to consume but in my experience, Triphala powder is more effective, especially if we talk about taking it internally for the cleansing purposes and other health benefits. The major drawback of the powder is that its taste is just awful. But I can manage so can you. 🙂
How to Use Triphala Powder for Hair
1. The first method, of course, is to take it internally – thus you will get rid of the substantial amounts of toxins that affect your hair health. The most common way to take Triphala internally is one teaspoon per cup of warm water in the morning, on empty stomach, and in the same way in the evening – either half an hour before the evening meals, or two hours after the meals (you need to allow the food to get digested at least to some extent, before taking Triphala Churna in). Keep doing it for one month then make a break. While it is said that Triphala is safe for consumption during longer periods, I personally noticed that one may develop some kind of intolerance to it, and your intestines may eliminate wastes less effectively relying on the support provided by the regular intake of the powder or pills of this quite potent Ayurvedic remedy.
Also, if the taste is above of what you can bear, then mix Triphala with a small amount of honey.
If you are a pregnant or nursing woman, or suffer from chronic diarrhea or other serious intestinal conditions, avoid using Triphala.
2. To prevent hair fall and eliminate dandruff (which is one of the baldness’ causes), you can make a simple pack with Triphala Churna: add 1 tablespoon of the powder to 2 cups of water, boil the water on a medium flame until the half of it evaporates. Let it cool down, make a pack of it, and apply on your scalp for 30 minutes. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo (one that contains
Shikakai or Acacia concinna is the best for this purpose). Repeat 1-2 times per week until you will see the noticeable results (the time required to achieve the desired effect may vary from person to person).
3. Making an herbal mask for your hair is another way to restore their normal and healthy condition. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder with 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and some amount of water to make a paste out of it. Apply the paste to your wet hair and scalp and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. If you don’t have Aloe, then you can make a paste just with the powder and water (use warm water).
Triphala powder is good for hair growth, hair loss and other conditions; it’s natural and safe (in the most cases). Of course, it’s not a miraculous remedy, so don’t expect it to eliminate all your problems overnight. But with time and reasonable approach, your hair will become healthier, stronger and more beautiful.
Triphala Benefits for Skin
Triphala benefits for skin are deeply rooted in its ability to remove toxins from our body. It’s a well know fact that the skin’s complexion and its health is a kind of reflection of the health of the internal organs and systems, especially our liver, and how effective our waste elimination is.
To prove the statement above you simply need to do some effective cleansing procedure: it can be almost miraculous Shankh Prakshalana or a simple Triphala churna course – and you will be able to personally observe how much better your skin becomes. But Triphala not only cleanses it; it possesses the nourishing properties, contains antioxidants and enhances the food digestion, which of course has its own contribution to the skin health.
Triphala contains three fruits (phal): Amalaki, Vibhitaki and Haritaki. Amalaki or just Amla is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, and this Vitamin plays an important role in collagen production (which is the one that keeps your skin tight and firm) and lets your body to better absorb nutrients (and helps your immune system too).
Amalaki removes toxins from liver, protects skin tissue from infection and cleanses it; it also acts as a good skin moisturizer and improves its luster.
The wonderful thing about Triphala powder is that it can benefit your skin in many ways – either you take it internally or apply externally in a form of masks and solutions.
Since this Ayurvedic medicine has antibacterial properties, it promotes faster wound healing and contributes to curing the skin diseases. Another Triphala ingredient called Haritaki is known in Ayurveda as Twagamayagni (“the destroyer of skin diseases”). It improves skin regeneration and cures ulcers. Haritaki is mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts such as Sushruta Samhita, where it is called Branya for its ability to heal wounds.
Triphala Skin Benefits for Different Doshas
For Vata Dosha
Vata dosha usually is the one who suffers the most from skin problems. Vata’s skin is prone to being too dry, having cracks and losing its tone. It can be sensitive too. Triphala helps Vata dosha’s skin from inside – by improving digestion, blood circulation and removing toxins that interfere with normal metabolism (the latter plays a huge role in how much moisture your skin tissue has).
The best solution for Vata’s skin is the daily regimen, which includes not only taking meals but the balanced work and rest as well. Since Vata is moving and changing, you need to bring more stability into your life to balance the dosha. Once pacified, it will be less expressed through your skin in a form of dryness, dullness and cracking.
For Pitta Dosha
Pitta skin requires protection since it is quite sensitive, especially to the sun exposure. The protection comes from Triphala in a form of its antioxidant properties, high Vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids content, and the said toxin removal ability.
Pitta’s skin is prone to inflammation and infection, and here comes Amla (one of Triphala ingredients), rich in Vitamin C and possessing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps your skin to improve its natural immunity and resistance to hypersensitivity including photosensitivity.
It’s interesting that Triphala is able to balance the fire element in the body, which is primal in Pitta dosha, which in turn reduces skin sensitivity to sun (which energy is obviously of a fiery nature). You have probably guessed already that too much fire is bad for Pitta since it’s a fiery dosha as well, and gets out of balance easily when exposed to fire in various forms, be it too much light or heat.
Although Amla is sour in its taste (and sour is a ‘fiery’ taste too), the sour gets neutralized when comes in contact with the saliva and digestive enzymes.
For Kapha Dosha
Kapha’s metabolism is a kind of slow one compared to other doshas. So the bane of this dosha is ama or toxins, or rather their timely elimination. Kapha is oily by its nature, so its skin attracts a lot of impurities, so the wastes tend to accumulate inside and outside of it.
Each of the Triphala components promotes body detox in various ways. Amalaki (or Amla) removes toxins from different tissues, including fat and blood, making skin stronger and more disease-resistant.
Vibhitaki (or Bibhitaki, Terminalia belerica) works with lipid levels, and prevents the clogging of the skin with toxins.
Haritaki (or Harada, Terminalia chebula) cleanses the colon, thus purifying the fat tissue. That benefits the skin in a form of cleaner sweat glands so the skin gets rid of toxins faster. Haritaki also helps to open up the micro-circulatory channels of the skin, which leads to the improvements of the skin’s natural ability to detoxify itself.
The important thing about cleansing with Triphala compared to other cleansers is that this Ayurvedic remedy is not harsh; it won’t flush nutrients from your skin along with toxins. Conversely, it rejuvenates the skin, and enhances the skin’s ability to utilize those nutrients.
To let your skin get the most benefit of using Triphala powder or tablets, you need to avoid eating unhealthy foods while taking Triphala (this refers to heavy, deep-fried foods, fatty desserts – these foods aggravate Kapha making the whole cleansing thing a lot less effective). Prefer light foodstuffs over heavy; your meals should be easy to digest, contain a lot of vegetables, and come in small to moderate amounts. Better eat more frequently but in smaller amounts than more abundantly.
Triphala and Acne Treatment
Since Triphala possesses antibacterial properties, it can be helpful to treat acne (though its efficiency may differ from person to person).
Mix Triphala churna with turmeric powder and raw honey until you get a thick paste (if you don’t have turmeric or/and honey at hand, just use clean filtered water instead). As for proportions, you can start 1/1/1, and then adjust to your needs.
Apply the paste on your face or other affected area and leave for 5-10 minutes. Patch testing is advised though. This procedure helps with acne, skin redness, and helps to hydrate your skin as well.
Triphala Face Mask
Take 1.5 tablespoon of Triphala Churna and 3 Tablespoons of Coconut oil. Melt the oil in a pan, add Triphala powder to it, and stir until you get a paste (but not thick). The ready mixture should be placed in an airtight container, and then in the fridge for around half an hour to make the Coconut oil become slightly firm. But don’t keep the mixture in the fridge for too long, because the oil will become too solid to apply it on your face easily.
Apply a thin layer of the paste on your face – do it slowly, gently rubbing the paste onto the skin. Thus you will achieve better blood circulation in the upper skin layers, and there will be good exfoliation as an additional bonus.
Leave the Triphala mask for 15 minutes, and then rinse the face with warm water without soap. You can use this treatment before taking shower or bath.
To clear blemishes and rejuvenate aging and dull skin, do this procedure three times per week.
Store the Triphala paste in a dark and cool place at room temperature; for longer storage a cooler place like the refrigerator may be required, though the coconut oil will get solidified, so you will have to melt the paste a bit before using it.
Health Benefits Of Triphala Juice
Actually, there different types of Triphala juice, and they are not equal in terms of their content. Some products may even have preservatives in them, like the one from Basic Ayurveda. It might be effective in terms of what the vendor claims, but personally I tend to avoid stuff with preservatives as much as possible.
In general, Triphala juice benefits include:
- Cure for Diabetes
- Lowering of blood pressure
- Treatment of obesity
- Treatment of acidity, hyperacidity, or acid reflux.
- Problems of digestive system, including weak nutrients absorption and poor waste elimination, as well as constipation.
- Liver disorders – Triphala is known to promote the liver secretion.
- Colon cleansing – this one is actually related to the better toxin and waste elimination. Triphala also tones up the intestines and contributes to the improvement of peristaltic movements.
There are more benefits of Triphala juice that were not covered here, but I think that using a regular Triphala powder (churna) may be even better in terms of efficiency.
Triphala Benefits for Eyes
Triphala has a number of benefits for our eyes, and can be used both internally and externally to produce the positive effect. When taken internally, it improves the eye conditiong by removing toxins from the body and through strengthening the eye muscles.
How to Use Triphala For Eyes?
The simplest way is to put a tablespoon of Triphala Churna (powder) into a glass of warm water, stir well, and drink before breakfast and before dinner or two hours after the evening meals. From my experience I know that this relieves the eye tension and makes your eyes stronger.
When used externally – in a form of the Triphala churna eye wash – it reduces redness and tension. It also contributes significantly to the impaired vision treatment.
Triphala helps to relieve such ailments as glaucoma, cataract, conjunctivitis and progressive myopia; it also deals with chorioretinal inflammation, corneal dystrophies, loss of vision, various eye parts inflammation and the weakening of the eyes due to old age.
The main benefit of Triphala for eyes comes from one of its ingredients called Amalaki or Amla. In Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India, Amalaki is known as chakshushya, which means “a remedy for making the eyes stronger”. In Ayurveda there are three doshas, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which govern different bodily and mental functions. Amalaki enhances two Pitta subdoshas: Ranjaka Pitta (responsible for the function of liver and blood plasma) and Alochaka Pitta (this one is in charge of the eyes and the vision ability). So you can see how one of Triphala components has a direct influence on our eyesight and the eye health.
Triphala Eye Wash
There are several ways to prepare an eye wash with Triphala powder. But before we proceed further, there should be a word of caution: the eyes are a very sensitive organ; you need to make sure not to bring any infection into them. It’s a good idea to consult a doctor before using Triphala eye wash to receive the recommendations on its safety and the best way to apply it on your eyes.
Ways to make and use the Triphala eye wash
1st Method. You need to get at least one small eye bath (and use it in rotation; or get two eye baths), which is usually available at the drugstore. You also need to get a muslin cloth or some other similar thing that can serve as a filter for the Triphala water.
The water should be distilled or at least filtered; don’t use a regular tap water for your eyes as we mentioned already, your eyes are very sensitive and you need to make sure your won’t bring any infectious bacteria into them.
The last but not the least (of course 🙂 ) is the Triphala powder itself.
The process. Place half a teaspoon of Triphala churna (churna is another name for powder) to a glass (or you can use a ceramic cup or even a metal glass, just make sure it’s really clean) and pour freshly boiled clean water into it halfway.
By the way, use metal or ceramic pot to boil your water, avoid aluminum one since it may release some harmful substances into the water, which then goes into your eyes.
Stir your mixture well, and leave it to cool down. Remove the spoon from the glass. The best way is to make all these preparations in the evening, and you’ll get your ready to use solution by the morning. Of course, you can do it vice versa, and make the mixture in the morning, leave it to settle, and use it in the evening – just follow the most convenient way for you. Your mixture should be of a room temperature.
Actually, one or two hours may be quite enough for the solution to get ready. So after that, or just before you start using it, strain it into a glass through the muslin cloth or your preferred filter. Fill your eye baths with the Triphala water to three quarters full, place them on a plate, prepare a clean towel, and proceed to the bedroom.
All you need to do is to sit on your bed, place a towel on your lap, take the eye baths, lean over the towel and put the baths over the eyes.
Once the eyes are in the baths, blink a few times to let them get used to the new environment. Open your eyes then into the Triphala water; if it’s difficult in the beginning, then just blink – it’s also beneficial.
Initially there may be (and usually there is) a stinging sensation in the eyes, which fades after 10 seconds or so. If the stinging is too uncomfortable and/or doesn’t go away, then you should stop the procedure, and wash your eyes with lukewarm water.
If everything OK, then let the procedure last for five minutes or so, then wash your eyes with warm and clean water and gently dry them with the towel you prepared before; lean back on your bed to lie and rest for a while.
Do not watch TV or sit in front of a computer screen for at least 30 minutes after having the Triphala eye wash done. It’s even better to avoid any screen exposure for 1-2 hours after the eye bath. Don’t read a book either, just close your eyes and let them rest nicely.
The remaining Triphala water can be used for drinking – it’s very beneficial for the body so don’t waste it.
2nd Method. The half of teaspoon of Triphala Churna (not heaped) is placed in a cup, and then poured over with 120 ml of hot, just boiled water. Then the infusion is left for cooling to the body temperature. Do not stir the infusion!
When the mixture is ready, use a sterile cotton pad to dip it into the infusion, then remove it, squeeze it but leave some liquid inside of it (just make sure it’s not dripping wet). You can use two pads for both eyes.
Lie on your back, place a towel under your head, so that the possible drops will not reach the bed linen, and put the pads over your eyes; blink. Leave the pads for 15-20 minutes (up to half an hour, which is the maximum time for the procedure). If you use a single pad, then simply use it in rotation.
The pad must have enough Triphala water to allow it to run into the eyes. There may be a burning sensation in the beginning, which should naturally subside after a couple of days. Usually it is said that if the eyes burn during such procedures it means they do require this kind of treatment. If the burning persists longer than 7 days, it’s uncommon and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
This process can be repeated 2 times a day to relieve simple eye problems. If there is loss of vision because of aging or improper lifestyle, the procedure should be done once in a day, in the evening, before going to bed to let the eyes rest after it.
It’s interesting that the main taste of Triphala is astringent though it is usually said that this Ayurvedic remedy contains all the six tastes (or at least five of them). So, the astringent taste is considered to be a rejuvenator of bodily tissues, which is true for the eyes as well. The longer you do this kind of treatment the better results you will get in return. The recommended minimum period is one month with the maximum is up to 6 months. If you want to max it out, see your doctor before to get their advice.
Are There Any Side Effects Of Triphala Eye Wash?
Well, as mentioned before, the most common “side effect” is the stinging or burning sensation in the eyes that should go away in a short time. If it doesn’t, stop the treatment. If it returns with every procedure you perform, and persists until you stop it, then it is probably best to consult your doctor.
Triphala Ghrita for Your Eyes
Triphala Ghrit is an Ayurvedic medicine consisting of Triphala churna and Ghee (melted butter). It’s quite effective, and there are the observable results after 7 days of its use. It is especially useful for dry and sensitive eyes – the problem usually caused by the imbalance of Vata dosha and sometimes Pitta (if there is redness and irritation in the eyes). Because of the presence of ghee, the medicine stimulates Kapha dosha, thus naturally subduing the increased Vata and Pitta dosha.
How to use it? Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of Triphala Ghrita, mix with warm milk and consume internally on empty stomach. The remedy will nourish your body and eyes from inside.
These are the main benefits of Triphala for eyes and eyesight. And this wonderful Ayurvedic medicine is beneficial for other organs and the whole body as well.
Triphala Benefits For Men and Women
Our body contains all three doshas (namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in different proportions, which are determined with the formation of our body. Vata dosha, in particular ‘resides’ in lower abdomen, and connected with Apana vayu – pranic energy responsible for the elimination of wastes and the proper functioning of reproductive organs.
Since Triphala is capable of balancing Vata dosha in our body (which is true for both men and women), it positively affects our reproductive health by nurturing of the ovaries and sperm, regulating menstrual cycles and making the uterus stronger.
Amalaki or Amla (Gooseberry) – one of the three ingredients of Triphala, promotes healthier conception for women. It also nourishes the brain, improves mental clarity and functioning. Amalaki is also called Medhya herb in Ayurveda, which means it is beneficial for our brain (Medha means intelligence in Sanskrit), enhances our memory, sensory awareness, makes the intellect sharper and the mind stronger.
Triphala increases red blood cell count so that the cells can carry oxygen more efficiently. It is important for any man or woman who is strongly into the fitness, since the oxygen transfer affects the physical performance.
Amalaki contains Vitamin C, which enhances the nutrients absorption, which is, again, very important if you do some regular training and want to get lean muscles.
You ca take Triphala supplement on a daily basis; the common duration is one month, and the six months is the maximum period of such intake. Usually a month is enough, and you can repeat the whole process again after a few months or half a year.
I read about the benefits of triphaladi churanam..I have sinus and migraine is it advisable to use it on hair and face.
Well, Anila, it might be a good idea to use Triphala internally, but you need to figure out the causes behind your condition to make the optimal treatment possible.
What qty of ghee to be added in what qty of triphala churan to make Triphala Ghrita for improving eye sight?????
Hello, Ankita,
Well, actually it’s a remedy you can buy – it is called Triphala Ghrita. The ingredient list is quite large, check this, for instanse:
For how much time duration should I intake triphala churan to get ride of grey hairs.
This will be different in different people, so I can’t tell how much time it may take. But normally a Triphala course lasts 1-3 months, then there is a break for a month, then you can repeat.
Thank you for this very interesting and helpful article !!!!
You’re welcome, Chrissie!
Too exhaustive and super good!